On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 09:20:42PM -0600, Dale wrote > > Well, it appears we have someone willing to fork udev. Yeppie !! Me, > I'm looking forward to seeing how this works and giving it a test run > when it gets ready. Since it is a fork, shouldn't be to long, I hope.
Might even get me to come back to udev. I wonder which group will be setting the specs as far as "the official udev" is concerned. The Gentoo devs should seek support from other distros and Linus himself. If we merely make a fork, and the systemd people still have the "official version", we'll be doomed to slavishly follow them in "bug compatability" mode. What happens if/when Lennart gets his way? http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2012-August/006066.html > And what we will certainly not do is compromise the uniform integration > into systemd for some cosmetic improvements for non-systemd systems. > > (Yes, udev on non-systemd systems is in our eyes a dead end, in case > you haven't noticed it yet. I am looking forward to the day when we > can drop that support entirely.) And that's probably not the only thing that the systemd people could do to jerk us around. A successful fork would need to be one that hardware companies release drivers for, and that GNOME/KDE will support. I still think that the fork team should look at where mdev doesn't match udev, and write shims to add the missing functionality. The busybox people obviously don't want to bloat their minimal version. But it already does most of what is needed, so some shims to add missing functionality there would be less effort than an entire udev fork. > I wonder what they will name it tho. Howsabout calling it "Woodstock"? We could even have our own cheer Gimmee an EFF EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Gimmee an OOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Gimmee an ARR ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Gimmee a KAY KAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY What's that spell? FORK! What's that spell? FORK! What's that spell? FORK! Now all we need is a quarter of a million people screaming in unison. -- Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org> I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications