Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 11. November 2012, 15:06:12 schrieb Dale:
>> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>>> Am Sonntag, 11. November 2012, 12:15:14 schrieb Dale:
>>>> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>>>>> and since baby oil is so great for the job we use it as lubcritant and
>>>>> for cooling in engines....
>>>> I was trying to overcome the problem that water causes things to short
>>>> out when it leaks on a mobo, something mineral oil doesn't do according
>>>> to what I have read.  I never said it was the world's greatest heat
>>>> conductor.
>>> ever heard of 'transformer oil'?
>>> for some reason or another they move away from mineral oil...
>> I have heard of it.  It appears that it is mineral oil also.
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformer_oil
>> "Transformer oil or insulating oil is usually a highly-refined mineral
>> oilthat is stable at high temperatures and has excellent electrical
>> insulating properties."
>> I'm not saying that every single transformer out there has mineral oil
>> in it but according to that, it is still in common use.  Also, according
>> to that it also does the job of removing the heat from the transformer
>> too.  If you want, watch this video.  You can see how they are made from
>> start to finish, including the mineral oil fill up.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUO3o5JTGhQ
> and the oil is very toxic and as I wrote earlier mineral oil is replaced with 
> other coolants. For some very good reasons.
> ...

Again, I use mineral oil every day.  How can it be toxic when I put it
on my skin?  I might add, my Doctor knows I put it on and he has never
mentioned it being toxic.  Also, baby oil is mineral oil plus
fragrances, which is what I use daily.  I can send you a picture of one
of my baby oil bottles if you want to see it for yourself.  Maybe seeing
is believing? 

If you watch the video I linked to, you will see they put in mineral
oil.  They didn't say they put in a alternative to mineral oil.  They
even pull a vacuum on the transformer can to make sure it doesn't leave
any moisture or air bubbles in it.  I watch that show on TV often and I
feel quite certain they would not show that if it were not true and

I'm sorry but I'm going with the info I know to be more accurate. 
Watching that video says a lot.  I'm sure there are other things that
can be used but the point is, mineral oil is in common use and has been
for a long time.  It also doesn't cause shortages when it leaks either
which water does.  That's why I'm not putting water near my computer,
cooling or otherwise. 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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