On 2012-11-05, James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:

> I was going to use a passively cool (fanless) ATI video card
> and drive monitor #1 and #2 off of that (one HDMI the other
> off the secondary port on the ATI video card. And then
> use the video port on the workstation mobo (ati-gigabyte)
> for the #3 monitor. Anyone built a gentoo system like that?

I use a fanless nVidia card with dual HDMI outputs plus the nVidia
graphics chip on the motherboard for a triple-headed desktop.  I gave
up on ATI cards several years ago when ATI dropped Linux driver
support for a card less than a year old.  Burn me once...

> Any other ideas (suggestions) how to best build a triple head Gentoo
> workstation are of keen interest...

There are plenty of inexpensive video cards with dual outputs.  Just
stick one of them in a motherboard that also has a video output.  Or
pick a motherboard with dual outputs and then all you need is a
single-output video card.

It's probably simplest if you stick with a single brand for both video

I _think_ it should work even if they're not, but I've never tried it...

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Hello.  Just walk
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                              gmail.com            about your INTESTINES being
                                                   almost FORTY YARDS LONG!!

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