Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> Am Montag, 17. September 2012, 12:57:49 schrieb Dale:
>> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>>> Am Sonntag, 16. September 2012, 20:39:36 schrieb Dale:
>>>> The important part is about 'if you are unsure about this, say N here'.
>>>> Well, I don't think I need USB remote wakeup or anything so I don't
>>>> think I need this but at the same time, udisk is giving me notice that
>>>> it should be there.
>>> you you never thought about turning on your system via keyboard instead of
>>> crawling under the table?
>> Actually, no.  I have one of those large HAF 932 cases that is about the
>> same height as my keyboard.  It's just about as easy to hit one as it is
>> to hit the other.  Add in that I rarely reboot either.  I don't really
>> see the need to use my keyboard as a power switch, not for me anyway.  I
>> have one that is on top of the case, which is where it should be in my
>> opinion.
> so you let your box run full power all the time?
> Doesn't that sound.... stupid?

No.  To me, turning a puter on/off whenever you walk away is sort of
stupid.  Me, I never know when I will be needing my puter and I don't
want to wait for it to boot up and get me logged in every time I want to
use it.  The power it pulls is about the same as me leaving a light bulb
on.  So, in my opinion and for my usage, leaving it on is not stupid. 
Doing the opposite could be closer to stupid.  Same for my TV.  The only
time I turn my TV off is when I am leaving the house for a good long
while.  Before you say that I am wearing out my TV, my last TV was well
over 20 years old and the only repairs to it was replacing the speakers
that dried out.  It was still working when I ran up on this half price
sale for my current TV.  I gave the old TV to a friend and as far as I
know, it still works. 

I'm not saying that *MY* usage should be the same as someone else's.  At
the same time, mine should not be the same as yours or others.  Just as
a example.  I'm downloading TV shows from various websites.  When I get
ready to go to bed, I line up several videos for download.  It may
download for hours while I sleep.  Heck, I sometimes wake up before it
gets through and I add more to the list.  I can't do that if I shutdown
my computer each time I walk away. 

Stupid, not even close.


:-)  :-)

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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