On 09/16/12 19:19, Randolph Maaßen wrote:
On Sep 16, 2012 1:05 PM, "Andrew Lowe" <a...@wht.com.au
<mailto:a...@wht.com.au>> wrote:
 > Hi all,
 >         I've got a media server that I'm in the process of installing
Samba on. When I do:
 > emerge -NuD --pretend samba
 > I get a list of stuff that portage wants to install, including
Python, V2.7.3, even though the machine already has V3.2.3 installed.
I've also stripped down the USE variables to basically "server" and
that's all and still for some reason portage wants to bring in Python -
the older version, V2. I've even added a "-python" to packages.use and
it still wants python, V2. I've had a look at the USE variables for the
packages that follow Python in the emerge list and they either don't
want python or already have "-python" set.
 >         Having a play around with equery also didn't reveal anything.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what's causing old Python to be brought
in? I haven't posted the whole "emerge --info" stuff yet as hopefully
someone has come across this problem before.
 >         Any thoughts greatly appreciated,
 >                 Andrew

Hi, when you are dealing with python always remember that the API has
changed between version 2 and 3 so python 3 can't handle python 2 scripts.

So what I think emerge is doing here is installing python 2.7 beside 3.2.

When you add the verbose flag to the emerge command, you will probably
see something like [ NS ] or [ uS ] at the beginning of the python line.
The S stands for new slot, so both version will be installedbecause
samba or one of it's dependency is using python 2 scripts.

You have guessed correctly, I get NS. But to me, the question is why do I even need python at all for something that is a file sharing daemon? I've turned off CUPS etc etc, I just want file sharing to the M$ world, not all the other fluff. I suppose I'll have to have a look at the ebuild to try and work out why this thingy wants Python, any python, in the first place.


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