On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 5:18 PM, Daniel Frey <djqf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So about a month ago I decided to update my kernel to the dreaded 3.x
> series. My old 2.6.x kernel ...

FYI Linus Torvalds says there was no change between 2.6 and 3.0.  A quote:

So what are the big changes?  NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Sure, we
have the usual two thirds driver
changes, and a lot of random fixes, but the point is that 3.0 is
*just* about renumbering, we are very much *not* doing a KDE-4 or a
Gnome-3 here. No breakage, no special scary new features, nothing at
all like that.

You can read his entire letter here:


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