Am Mittwoch, 12. September 2012, 12:03:04 schrieb Alan McKinnon:
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 05:43:09 -0400
> Philip Webb <> wrote:
> > When I wanted to install Linux on my new netbook 2008,
> > I quickly found that the simplest way to get everything to work
> > was to install Gentoo, using my notes from previous desktop installs.
> > In Gentoo, problems are almost always just  1  layer deep,
> > tho' the Gentoo Forum also tends to be much more noise than signal.
> That's why we have a gentoo-user mailing list instead ;-)
> This mailing list is often noted out in the wild as a very high
> signal-to-noise ratio list, in my experience that is definitely true.

and for a simple reason: ml have always been. So 'old timers' and 'people 
knowing their crap' hang around those. Then came AOL, eternal September and 
forums for this new crop of lol users. And since like minded people love to 

There have been good forums in the past. Even now. But forums have a massive 
problem, even the great ones: if they go down everything is lost. 

Mailing lists? Mirrored everywhere. Including your harddisk. Mailing lists are 
archives. Forums are yelling competitions.


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