On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 3:06 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pandu Poluan wrote:
>> On May 27, 2012 7:19 AM, "Dale" <rdalek1...@gmail.com
>>> What I was saying tho, since it appears to be needed now, since /var may
>>> not be mounted yet, it was created and is used during booting up.  Since
>>> it is there, why not use it, even AFTER the system is booted.  After
>>> all,  the files are already there since they were put there during boot
>>> up.  No need moving them and all that when they are already created and
>>> available.
>>> Plus, as someone said, I think it was you in another reply, what if /var
>>> fails to mount at all?  At that point, it still works since /run is
>>> there already.  Since /run is on tmpfs, if it fails to mount for some
>>> reason, you got issues already.  ;-)
>>> I don't mind it being there, I just hope udev, or whatever else may use
>>> it later on, doesn't get memory hungry.   Actually, maybe some other
>>> small directories could be placed there as well.  The lock files would
>>> be a good one to start with.  Just thinking.  May want to duck tho.  lol
>> You mean /var/lock ? Hasn't it transmogrified to /run/lock now?
>> Rgds,
> Well, the /run/lock directory is there but there is nothing in it on
> mine.  It does look to me like they would move the files from /var/lock,
> or any other lock files, there tho.  They appear to be small here since
> it takes up so little space.
> root@fireball / # du -shc /var/lock/
> 32K     /var/lock/
> 32K     total
> root@fireball / #
> That would total up to be less than 300K for what is there and /var/lock
> on my machine.
> I dunno.  Just makes sense to me.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)
> --
> I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or
> how you interpreted my words!
> Miss the compile output?  Hint:
> EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--quiet-build=n"

Well, given that it's there, it cleans up after itself, and it avoids
issues in the instance where /var isn't available early on, is there
much reason _not_ to link /var/run and /var/lock over to their
respective equivalents on /run? And both with and without /var mounted
(so they exist and are writable even if /var doesn't come up)? If I
recall its purpose properly, /var exists to hold data that _needs_ to
be writable in an actively running system, logs, lock files, caches,
etc.. but as tmpfs didn't exist back when it was thought up, no
separation was explicitly defined between persistent and
non-persistent data. With /run around now, there's an explicitly
defined lack of persistence that would suit /var/run and /var/lock
rather well, since stale service pids, lock files, and the like can
wreak havoc on an unplanned restart (which tends to be bad enough with
the prospect of, say, a failed UPS as it is). Also, any
inconsistencies in the above rambling curiosity (as well as the
rambling itself, I should note) are the result of having been awake
far too early for a Saturday, and still being awake for the start of
Sunday, so apologies may be required on my part.

Poison [BLX]
Joshua M. Murphy

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