On Sat, 12 May 2012 19:54:24 -0500
Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Alex Schuster <wo...@wonkology.org>
> wrote:
> > Hi there!
> >
> > I'm using the new udev with a separate /usr partition.
> How do you create your initramfs? The new udev (>= 182, I believe)
> requires the use of an initramfs if you have a separated /usr.
> > It was encrypted,
> > and it seems there is no solution yet for this.
> dracut has two modules, crypt and crypt-gpg, that maybe do what you
> are needing.
> > so I moved it over to an
> > unencrypted volume - no problem, /usr is one partition where
> > encryption does not make that much sense anyway. Works, but after
> > an unclean shutdown (reading files in /proc/<pid>/ was not a good
> > idea) /usr wants to be fsck'ed. But it is already mounted at that
> > stage.
> That's the reason you need an initramfs.

No, that's the reason you want the filesystem's fsck to be included in
the initramfs.

> > The boot process just continues, but I wonder what one should do to
> > make the fsck run. Except for using a live cd.
> With an initramfs.

Using initramfs is necessary but itself not sufficient.

One can create an initramfs (from scratch) that does nothing but
mount /usr (with only busybox and a few /dev nodes, plus whatever other
tools needed to find /usr, viz. lvm, cryptsetup and friends, assuming
the necessary drivers are built in the kernel and not as modules ---
see e.g. the old gentoo wiki at
http://www.gentoo-wiki.info/HOWTO_Custom_Initramfs_From_Scratch ).

The initramfs needs to have the relevant fsck tools (plus dependencies)
if it was to perform fsck.


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