> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 07:38:34AM -0500, Dale wrote:
>> The default is to keep them all running and to not spin them down.  I
>> have never had a Linux OS to spin down a drive unless I set/told it to.
>>  You can do this tho.  The command and option is:
>> hdparm -S /dev/sdX
>> X would be the drive number.  There is also the -s option but it is not
>> recommended.
>> There is also the -y and -Y options.  Before using ANY of these, read
>> the man page.  Each one has it uses and you need to know for sure which
>> one does what you want.
>> Dale
> Awesome thanks very much, if I need to power down one of my drives I
> shall use hdparam!
> Does the kernel keep even unmounted drives spinning by default?
> Thank you Dale!

>From my experience, as I posted I have never had Linux spin down a drive
without me telling it to or setting it up to do so.  If you want that to
be disabled as you have it in windows, the default settings should be

If you have a drive that is not being used, then you can use one of
those commands to shut it down to save power, wear and tear or whatever.


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