Am 02.05.2012 19:42, schrieb Carlos Sura:
> On 2 May 2012 05:35, Michael Hampicke <> wrote:
>> Am 02.05.2012 06:58, schrieb Carlos Sura:
>>> I get the following error:
>>> Internal Server Error
>>> Mismatch between target UID (81) and UID (1000) of file
>>> "/home/username/public_html/anything/index.php"
>> Have you tried turning of safe_mode in the php.ini file?
> safe_mode is off

Ok, good. Then it's a issue with mod_suphp. The php instance of your
users vhost in configured to run under userid 81 (which is guess is
apache or www-data) but the files under "/home/username/public_html/" ar
actually owned by userid 1000 (which would be your user).

So there are two solutions, one is practical, the other is not :)

Just configure mod_suphp for your users vhost to run under userid 1000.

You could also chown all files and dirs under
"/home/username/public_html/" to apache. But that's not really practical.

You just have to look up on how the change the uid, I don't know, as I
don't have any experience with mod_suphp

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