This issue seems to have come up with the latest update to I
cut rows from one doc then want to paste them into another and use
paste special to shift rows down. Howerver, paste special doesn't
appear in the context menu (it used to in the previous version), and
if i choose it from the Edit menu, nothing happens.

Any idea how to troubleshoot this? Any sense in trying rm -fr ~/.libreoffice?

System is mostly amd64, with a few ~amd64 (eg firefox, not libreoffice)
proxy ~ # emerge -pv libreoffice
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R    ] app-office/libreoffice-  USE="branding cups
dbus gnome graphite gtk jemalloc mysql nsplugin opengl pdfimport vba
webdav xmlsec (-aqua) -binfilter -eds -gstreamer -java -kde -nlpsolver
-odk -postgres -svg -test" 0 kB

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