On 12/04/12 22:49, Dale wrote:

Well, it appears we got the init thingy working.  I'm about ready to
move things around since one of my drives is about full and I need a
spare to move things around with.  I use cp -a to copy things while
booted from a USB stick do hicky.  So far, that has always worked and is
pretty fast.  I do have a question tho.

When I copy this over, do I still need to copy over null, console and
such to /dev?  I know I don't need everything in /dev but do recall
needing those in the past.  Has this changed since I'm using the init
thingy?  Am I forgetting one?  I thought there was three.

Anything else that could be a gotcha?  I plan to move this twice.  Once
to the spare drive, repartition the OS drive then copy things back over
again.  It's been a while and with LVM about to be used, I hope it is
the last time.

Make sure this is really what you want. If *any* of the disks in the LVM goes bad, you lose everything, not just the data on that single disk.

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