* Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> [120329 17:39]:
> I already tried making one from scratch and also making the one inside
> the kernel.  Both belly flopped and left me with nothing but errors.  It
> never even tried to leave the init thingy environment.  I think I posted
> them a good long while back but no clue what they were know.  I just
> moved on to what was supposed to be "easy".  Yea, right.  :/
> My concern is this, if it is this hard for me to get one working, if it
> ever breaks, I'm screwed.  I know myself pretty well, if it breaks and I
> can't figure it out, I'll be looking for a install CD/DVD and fix it on
> a grand scale.  This is how I got to Gentoo.  I couldn't get Mandrake to
> work right and be stable, I switched.
> Well, it's supper time here.  Maybe that will help, me at least.  lol
> Dale

Do you want to try again to make one from scratch?

If you're not using LVM or RAID for root or /usr and you compile your
filesystem into the kernel then it's very simple and should be about
a five line (tops) init script (and even if those don't hold for you,
it's not that much tougher.)

If you spend the time now to do it yourself I think you'll find you have
the tools and knowledge to track down any problems later.

If you're willing to try again, I'm willing to work with you.

If you can find your hand-rolled initramfs and the errors you were
having we can figure it out.

And for the record.  I hate this whole /usr must be mounted in an
initramfs or on /.  It seems that all these arguments about bluetooth
keyboards and such have it all exactly bass ackwards.  If you have some
flavor of hardware that isn't supported in the base kernel then you
should be creating an initramfs for support.

But I can't argue with people who donate their time getting to work on
what they want to and supporting only what they want to.

And I'm not ready to make and maintain an overlay that doesn't require
this so it's time for me to stop gnashing my teeth and suck it up and get
on with life.


P.S. - If you don't want to get an hand-rolled initramfs working, it
would be interesting to see what an ls -lr /dev shows for the cases
where everything works for you and where it doesn't.

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