On Wed, 28 Mar 2012 16:17:06 +0100, David W Noon wrote:

> > Probably. There is rarely a good reason for having libraries in
> > world.  
> For us programmers it is often essential that we have one or more
> library packages in world, since we might be using that library (or
> those libraries) in projects we are developing.

Which is exactly what I was thinking of when I wrote "rarely" and not
"never". It is also the case if you are installing some out of tree
software that has dependencies in the tree, but I prefer to handle that
by creating a set as I can then unmerge the set if I remove the
software, instead of trying to remember wheat I added to world and why.

> The question I think Todd Goodman is trying to ask is why a package in
> world should be a candidate for depclean.

Because the other slot satisfies the requirements of world, which
contains an unslotted version. But then --update always tries to
installed the newest suitable version. In other words, his system is

Neil Bothwick

I can't walk on water, but I can stagger on alcohol.

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