Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Dale <> wrote:
>> Michael Hampicke wrote:
> <SNIP>
>>> I don't understand why people always say that they hate genkernel
>>> because they like to build the kernel on their own. You still can do
>>> this with genkernel. I've been doing it for years.
> <SNIP>
>> I tried genkernel and it was a miserable failure for me.  So, for me, I
>> have no desire to use it.  I have also read where others have the same
>> experience so it is not just me.  It may work fine for some but for
>> others it does not.
>> I plan to keep making mine the manual way.  You can keep using genkernel
>> if you want.
>> BTW, mine is like this:
>> copy old config
>> make oldconfig
>> make all && make modules_install
>> copy kernel to /boot
>> That to me seems a LOT easier and it also works very well for me.
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-)
> Until you add in the work of doing the initrd for each new kernel. I
> think that's Michael's point.
> I agree with you Dale. I do it the same way as you, except if I build
> an initrd I've done it completely by hand, building the whole
> directory structure, etc, then building it into the binary. That's a
> lot of work. Today we have two tools I know of, genkernel & dracut,
> that are represented as doing this work for us. I'm interested in what
> genkernel did wrong for you, as well as how to use both tools
> successfully.
> - Mark

Thing is, I can't get dracut to boot a system as I use it.  See my other
post.  Right now, my plan is to mask udev at what it is and either
switch to another distro, hope someone figures out why dracut isn't
working or just move everything to / and hope it doesn't ever screw up
right after I go to bed and full up / with errors in the messages file.
 I had this happen once.  Having /var on it's own partition was the only
thing that saved my butt.

The thing about switching to a distro that uses a init thingy, I don't
have to mess with it.  Someone else makes the stupid thing.

Just weighing out my options.  There are lots of things to weigh to.


:-)  :-)

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how you interpreted my words!

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