Mike Edenfield wrote:
>> From: Dale [mailto:rdalek1...@gmail.com]
>> Mike Edenfield wrote:
>>> I'm pretty sure that a stable Dracut is a prerequisite for a stable
>>> udev-182+. Hopefully with more people taking interest in using an
>>> initramfs it will stabilize quickly. It's working for me on all of the
>>> systems I'm tried it, so I'm going to try switching a couple of
>>> servers at work over to using it. But none of them have anything
>>> particularly complex (no net boots, for example) so I don't know how
>>> much of a test case they'll be :)
>> I'm still trying to figure out why my dracut init thingy isn't working 
>> right.  If I
>> use the init thingy, I can't su to root from a user.  If I don't use the 
>> init thingy,
>> I can su just fine.  By the way, I boot the exact same kernel either way I 
>> boot.
> So, just to make sure I'm understanding you here (cuz it sounds kinda crazy)
> If you specify a dracut-created inittramfs in your grub.conf, your machine 
> boots, but using 'su' to go from root -> non-root fails? 
> If you remove the initrd line from grub.conf and boot the exact same kernel, 
> 'su' works fine?
> What's the error? Cuz once the pivot_root step happens and the real init is 
> running, things in user-space should be *exactly* the same as if you had no 
> initramfs.
> --Mike

The other way around.  When I boot using the init thingy, if I login as
a user, dale in this case, I can not su to root.  I think the error was
something like authentication failed or something to that effect.

I can reboot the exact same kernel but omit the init part, everything
works fine.  I even tried different kernels and it still does it.

The reason it is a issue for me is that I use Konsole within KDE to
emerge, edit config files and such.  When I use the init thingy, none of
those work.  I get a error about paths being wrong or incorrect
password.  If I reboot without the init thingy, it works fine.  I can't
find any difference other than the init thingy being used.

Weird, yea, but it sure doesn't work here.  I found me another drive the
other day.  May be trying Kubuntu here pretty soon.  This udev and /usr
crap is just getting on my nerves.  I don't have a lot of them left and
I need to save the few I do have.  At least by using something else, I
don't have to fiddle with the crap and installs to fix things are a LOT
quicker.  I mentioned this before but it is just getting closer and
closer.  First time my system fails to boot because of this mess, it's
decision time.


:-)  :-)

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