On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 12:02:32PM -0400, Michael Mol wrote > I said this before, but it sounds useful to try to reiterate: > > * It's probable that service-specific files should not be included in > the init system package. > * Service-specific init files should probably be part of the > distro-localized version of a service-providing package. > > This doesn't mean modifying binaries, this is part of bootstrapping a > service's environment. Call it "deferred installation stages", if you > like; things which need to be done for the service to be configured > and properly operate.
My point is that the startup, sanity-checking, and initialization code has to go *SOMEWHERE*. Where do you propose moving it to? This discussion reminds me of an ethnic joke. A bunch of workers had dug out a hole for the basement and foundations where a new house was to be built. The workers ask their foreman what they should do with the pile of dirt they had from digging out the hole for the new house. Their foreman, who is ____________ tells them to go dig another hole in the ground and throw the dirt in there. <G> -- Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>