On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 8:14 AM, Paul Hartman <paul.hartman+gen...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi, > > Following a recent eix version update, after running eix-sync it > leaves the session name on my screen status bar like: > > $eix-sync: Finished > > does anyone know anything about that? > > Is there perhaps something I can add to my shell prompt to make it > reset the status bar title after a program exits? >
I haven't seen that here myself. I'm having troubles with eix-remote, but not eix-sync. both the command line and the title on konsole look fine to me. Note that I run almost 100% stable but then get testing versions of portage, eix and about a dozen other programs. If you're running full ~amd64 then it might be a problem elsewhere Hope this helps, Mark c2stable ~ # eix -Ic eix [I] app-portage/eix (0.25.3{tbz2}@03/14/2012): Search and query ebuilds, portage incl. local settings, ext. overlays, version changes, and more c2stable ~ # c2stable ~ # eix-sync * Copying old database to /var/cache/eix/previous.eix * Running emerge --sync >>> Starting rsync with rsync:// >>> Checking server timestamp ... receiving incremental file list timestamp.chk Number of files: 1 <SNIP> Number of files: 152232 Number of files transferred: 100 Total file size: 221.69M bytes Total transferred file size: 959.77K bytes Literal data: 959.77K bytes Matched data: 0 bytes File list size: 3.81M File list generation time: 0.282 seconds File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds Total bytes sent: 42.24K Total bytes received: 4.24M sent 42.24K bytes received 4.24M bytes 30.23K bytes/sec total size is 221.69M speedup is 51.83 * Running eix-update Reading Portage settings .. Building database (/var/cache/eix/portage.eix) .. [0] "gentoo" /usr/portage/ (cache: metadata-md5-or-flat) Reading category 154|154 (100%) Finished [1] "vmware" /var/lib/layman/vmware (cache: parse|ebuild*#metadata-md5#metadata-flat#assign) Reading category 154|154 (100%) Finished [2] "foo-overlay" /var/lib/layman/foo-overlay (cache: parse|ebuild*#metadata-md5#metadata-flat#assign) Reading category 154|154 (100%) Finished Applying masks .. Calculating hash tables .. Writing database file /var/cache/eix/portage.eix .. Database contains 15449 packages in 154 categories. * Calling eix-diff Diffing databases (15449 -> 15449 packages) [U] == app-admin/eselect-opencl (1.1.0{tbz2}@02/25/2012; (~)1.1.0{tbz2} -> 1.1.0-r1): Utility to change the OpenCL implementation being used [>] == app-admin/haskell-updater ( -> Rebuild Haskell dependencies in Gentoo [>] == app-doc/doxygen (1.7.3 ->!m): Documentation system for most programming languages [>] == app-emulation/virt-manager (0.8.7 -> 0.9.1): A graphical tool for administering virtual machines (KVM/Xen) [>] == dev-lang/ghc (6.12.3 -> 6.12.3-r2): The Glasgow Haskell Compiler [U] == sys-apps/sg3_utils (1.29{tbz2}@02/25/2012; 1.29{tbz2} -> 1.33): Apps for querying the sg SCSI interface [>] == sys-fs/avfs (0.9.9 -> 1.0.0): AVFS is a virtual filesystem that allows browsing of compressed files. [>] == x11-misc/qterm (0.5.11 -> 0.5.12): A BBS client for Linux * Time statistics: 144 seconds for syncing 4 seconds for eix-update 2 seconds for eix-diff 150 seconds total c2stable ~ #