On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 10:33:27AM -0600, Maxim Wexler wrote: > Just got back from gentoo land. > > Arrrgh, gmail won't let me attach files, just sits there spinning. > > So I'll have to make do with pastebin. > > http://paste.ubuntu.com/890854/
hmm, pppd seems to bring the connection up ok and also to get the DNS servers, however it might not set them correctly... what's in /etc/resolv.conf after you connect ? can you ping directly the other side of the ppp connection (ie according to your logs): ping can you ping anything on internet through ip addresss: ping ( are the google public dns servers) > 30-wins.sh > http://paste.ubuntu.com/890854/ > > 40-dns.sh > http://paste.ubuntu.com/890857/ > > 50-initd.sh > http://paste.ubuntu.com/890857/ > > 90-ntpd.sh > http://paste.ubuntu.com/890857/ > The first two don't apply. 50-initd.sh, I don't quite grok. you gave the same link for the last 3 ;) but 50-initd.sh takes care of the case, when pppd is run through gentoo scrips... in that case, when you run /etc/init.d/net.ppp0 start, the net.ppp0 service is marked as 'inactive' istead of 'started' because pppd didn't connect yet... when it connects, this script marks the net.ppp0 service as started... btw, i newer used pon, i either used gentoo initscripts, or directly started pppd ;), or sometimes used kppp from kde3 but if your problem is with dns, maybe the pon script / program doesn't start pppd with the usepeerdns option... (you might consider also adding the debug options to pppd options..., but you have to find out how to do that with pon) yoyo