On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 02:49:56 -0600, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

> > They ensure that there is an sshd configuration file and
> > give a meaningful message (including where to find the sample) if it
> > is not present, and check for the presence of the hostkeys (again
> > which are needed) and create them if they are not present. Your 9
> > lines of sshd.service do none of this.  
> That is completely true. I also think that those checks does not
> belong into the init script: I think the configuration file presence
> should be guarantee by the package manager at install time, and so the
> creation of the hostkeys.

sshd is a bit of a special case. Think like CDs, like SystemRescueCD. If
the keys were created at installation time, every CD would have the same
keys, which is not particularly desirable.

Neil Bothwick

I heard someone tried the monkeys-on-typewriters bit trying for the plays
of W. Shakespeare but all they got was the collected works of Francis

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