
On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 18:44:20 -0600
Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You need to edit the file to remove duplicates and redundant mirrors
> (I can usually do it inside emacs in two minutes or less), and then
> check what files you already have in /usr/portage/distfiles (with a
> tiny bash script). You get the list of files you need, and only select
> those from the list of URLs, and then you have the files you need to
> download. You go back to the wi-fi cafe, download the files on a USB
> drive, and return home to put them on /usr/portage/distfiles. And then
> you can upgrade world.
  I just wanted to note that it may be unnecessary to edit a list of
files in editor to remove the extra mirrors. I usually do:

cat files-to-fetch.lst | cut -d " " -f1 | wget -c -i -

and it downloads only using the first mirror for every file. It doesn't
check for the existing files though. So it depends on the situation. I
use my broadband Internet connection at work to fetch any number of
files for my home PC. So it doesn't matter for me whether I download
some files that I already have, but it may be important in your case.
  Perhaps, it would be useful if emerge had such a feature - to
generate a list of files that do really need to be downloaded.



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