On 03/18/12 09:32, Alex Schuster wrote:
> Colleen Beamer writes:
>> Yes, I have activity manager in world, but I've unmasked all kde
>> packages for version 4.8.1 and because of that, I can't get
>> activitymanager installed because the latest verion for that is only
>> 4.7.4 and I get told kactivities-4.8.1 blocks activitymanager..  I can
>> get into KDE after my upgrade, but I can't move windows around, nor
>> close or resize them.  So I assume activitymanager is somehow needed.
> Anyway, moving windows around is KWin's responsibility, and has nothing
> to do with activities, they are more about switching sessions on the fly.
> I'd rename my ~/.kde4 directory and try again, maybe you have some
> corrupted config. Or try as another user. Does the problem persist?
>       Wonko
Thanks!  Problems solved.  I may have been using Gentoo for a while, but
every once in a while, I have a learning curve.  To explain:  Yesterday,
when I tried to update world, I got a bunch of messages because
kde-4.7.4 packages were installed and some upgrades wanted changes to
USE flags.  I resolved the problem by unmerging and installing the
masked packages for kde-4.8.1.

Allan McKinnon was right in that I told emerge to bring in activity
manager - despite the fact that I had unmerged version 4.7.4, I thought
I needed it so had it in my package.keywords file.  When I couldn't move
windows around, I had an "epiphany" and realized that there must be
other kde-base packages that needed to be upgraded to 4.8.1 because I
had installed kdebase-meta when I was installing Linux on this computer
back last summer when it was new.  Anyway, I did the upgrades necessary
for kdebase-meta and now everything is back to normal.

So, thanks again, everyone that responded.




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