Am Samstag, 17. März 2012, 20:40:02 schrieb pk: > On 2012-03-17 19:38, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote: > > you know, with that 'put everything into /usr' crap going on, I don't see > > any reason to have a seperate /usr at all. /root is completely empty. So > > what? Put everything on one partition and go on. > > Yes, let's do away with partitions altogether, who needs them? Let's > also get rid of directories, and come to think of it, let's put > everything into one binary file (kernel + userspace)! Perhaps we can > call it "initeverything"? Nice and tidy! Oh, better yet, let's put it > into the firmware (may need to expand current flash ROM though), that > way we can do away with harddrives (saving stuff in the volatile memory > instead)! > > W00t? > > > I will not use an initramfs if I can get away with it. > > See above... > > PS. Keep this email away from Poettering and Sievert; don't want to give > them any ideas! > > Best regards > > Peter K, sarcasm trainee
seriously, you have seemed to miss some news. There is a move by redhat&co to move almost everything from / to /usr. With nothing left than some mountpoints - why put / on its own partition? There is nothing to contain apart from /etc. Your sarcasm fails because you think that there is an intrinsic reason to keep / seperate. Well, with / filled with usefull binaries to bring a hosed system back from the garbage pile that was true for some peole. But with the current movement there isn't anything there at all. -- #163933