Michael Crute wrote:

> Nobody has yet to get any of Studio MX 2004 working under Wine. The
> issue (so I have been told) is the activation system doesn't play real
> nice with Wine. Perhaps if you are skilled in the black art of
> cracking you could hack out the activation routines and make it work?
> (Note: for personal use only please, I don't advocate software piracy)

Ah. Well no, I dont like illegal software. Um, I have Flash 5, does that
work under Wine?

> -Mike
> On 8/23/05, *Ian K* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> wrote:
>     Hey all,
>     Has anyone been able to get the trial working under Wine?
>     Also, because I would use it under Wine, would it be easy to uninstall
>     the trial and re install it after 30 days? :)
>     Ian
> -- 
> ________________________________
> Michael E. Crute
> Software Developer
> SoftGroup Development Corporation
> Linux, because reboots are for installing hardware.
> "In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?" 

fn:Ian K
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:Pentium 3=0D=0A=
	256MB RAM=0D=0A=
	80.0GB HDD=0D=0A=
	ATI Radeon 7000 Evil Wizard 64MB=0D=0A=
	Computer name: "PentaQuad"=0D=0A=

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