On Mar 17, 2012 9:54 AM, "Walter Dnes" <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
>  The instructions for replacing udev with mdev are now up at
> http://www.waltdnes.org/mdev/  validator.w3.org complains about a couple
> of extensions I used, but it appears to work OK in both Firefox and
> Midori.  Any comments from users of other browsers?  The page will be
> permanently "under construction", i.e. evolving as we find out more
> about how mdev works.


I've been reading on mdev, and I think there are some things we ought to
try :

1. *IMPORTANT* make sure there's /etc/mdev.conf !

2. Adding 'mdev -s' into /sbin/linuxrc after mounting sys/proc.

man busybox says that 'mdev -s' populates /dev with devices it detects
during boot. Maybe we won't need kernel devtmpfs anymore?

3. To handle hotplug events, ' echo /bin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug '.
But I'm not sure which kernel config to enable to make that sysctl knob

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