On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Claudio Roberto França Pereira <
spide...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've ordered Rebel Code: Linux And The Open Source Revolution, from
> Glyn Moody, but I just realized it's pretty old, from January 2001, 11
> years ago.
> Of course I'll love reading it, but I'd like to complete this "study"
> with the 2000 developments of FOSS. Linux 2.6, HAL life-cycle, GCC
> evolution, Ubuntu creation, Mozilla history, Google rising like a
> rocket. Anyone know a good recommendation in this subject?
> --
> Claudio Roberto França Pereira

All of these are not entirely historical:

- Hackers, heroes of the computer revolution, Steven Levy
- Open Advice, Lydia Pintscher
- Two Bits. The  Cultural Significance of Free Software, Kelty
- The Power of Open, Creative Commons
- The Success of Open Source. Steven Weber
- Perspectives on Open Source Software,

  Andrés Becerra Sandoval

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