On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 05:31:23PM +0200, Penguin Lover Alan McKinnon squawked: > Here's what I've found after much up & down-grading and rebooting: > > First, I've had netmount in the default runlevel for ages and it's > worked for ages even though it does nothing. > Second, openrc has been launching "dhcpcd -q" at boot time for ages and > this has never interfered with wicd which comes along later. > > openrc-0.8.* always works with any kernel version > openrc-0.9* work with kernel-3.2.5 > > openrc-0.9* does not work with kernel-3.2.6, giving these errors:
----snipped log----- > > That looks to me like avahi is all confused and tripping over what > openrc & wicd do properly. I'd say the root cause is a change in > kernel-3.2.6 that was not tested against. > Alan: after re-reading your post, I have to retract my earlier statement. It seems *your* problem is a separate one from the one that Dan and I are having! I am running on 2.6.37. I just tried to upgrade to 3.2.6 earlier today but ran into some other problems (there seems to be a bug in the linux-3 kernel that breaks WEP for ath9k wireless cards, that and for some reason `shutdown -h now' halts but does not power off; both are known and there are patches, just haven't made it into the tree yet). The problem I was reporting has nothing to do with the kernel (same kernel since last August). Cheers, W Cheers, W -- Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire et vice versa ~~~ I. Newton