> I liked Claws when I used it before. If you really want lightweight, though,
> try mutt, which is a terminal-based mail program that supports OpenPGP and
> There is also a new option, but it is written in Ruby and is therefore not
> lightweight. But it is also a terminal client and allegedly is better than
> Mutt, at least in the eyes of those who wrote it. Ruby people ted to be
> hyperbolic, but it probably at least merits a try. I do not, however,
> remember its name.

I used mutt for a while but when I switched to thunderbird I got way more done.

- Grant

>> I just switched from firefox to chromium (thanks to you guys) and I'm
>> loving it.  What would you recommend for getting away from
>> thunderbird?  I'm looking for something simple and minimal.
>> - Grant

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