Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 04:26:02 -0600
> Dale <> wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> I ran across this and though it was a joke.  Did a news search and
>> sure enough, it is reported in lots of places.  Random linky:
>> Is there any truth to this mess?  My bigger and better question, how
>> is shutting down the internet going to fix this?  When the net comes
>> back up, they are still going to be infected.  Right?
>> I'm glad I run a really nice Linux OS.
> Gawd, I hate it when morons write sensational articles that attempt to
> make sense to other morons. You get crap like that.
> So if this is legit, and I'm not saying it is, what happened is this:
> The malware changes the DNS cache settings on infected machines,
> sending the user to rogue caches. The FBI captured some (or all) of
> these rogue caches and (possibly) tried to fix them. A court has now
> said those rogue caches must now be shut down.
> So if the morons reading the article do nothing, on March 8 the DNS
> caches they use will be down. The user's DNS will not work.
> OMFG!!!!!!! Da intartubes is broken!!!!!
> <sigh>
> Instead, why not just set the DNS caches to something NOT owned by Ivan
> The Russian Spammer?
> And no, the intartubes will NOT be switched off.

I don't really think they can unless they just cut power to all the
computers.  After all, the internet is supposed to be redundant right?
If there is a few computers still running that have a connection, it is
still working.  Sort of anyway.

Does make one wonder tho.  They have been talking about having a
internet "off switch" but I'm not sure it would be that easy.


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