On Wed 08 Feb 2012 06:31:19 PM IST, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
> Hi,
> I need some advice.
> Since a short time I have tremendous problems with mplayer / smplayer 
> and I don't know why.
> First, vlc works just fine, i.e. video and audio
> Second, mplayer produces a segment fault within fglrx (ati-
> drivers-12.1-r1 with gentoo-sources-3.2.x)
> Third, smplayer does show the video (without a segment fault) but 
> doesn't play audio.
> How can I isolate the problem?
> Many thanks for a hint,
> Helmut.

Run mplayer on the command line and see what error it throws. Paste it 

Nilesh Govindarajan

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