On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 10:45 AM, pat <p...@xvalheru.org> wrote:
[ Humongous snip ]

> Still the same :-|

Seems really weird. I can only think the following options:

1. Something is messing up with NetworkManager.

1.a. Can be possible that the /etc/init.d/net.* scripts are running
alongside NetworkManager? I don't use OpenRC (I moved to systemd), but
I clearly remember that for NetworkManager to run OK in Gentoo you had
to disable the net.* services in /etc/rc.conf:


1.b. Maybe something is wrong with your NetworkManager/wpa_supplicant
installation; try deleting (after making a backup, of course) the
following directories/files:


and then emerge again both packages:

emerge -1v networkmanger wpa_supplicant

And try again after a reboot.

2. Maybe (for some weird reason) NetworkManager refuses to work in
your system. If this is the case, disable all your network services
(avahi*, cups, NetworkManager, net.*), and boot to a console. When I'm
dealing with this kind of stuff, I even disable X, just to be sure:

rc-update del NetworkManager
rc-update del xdm

When you are in your console, try connecting to a WEP access point by hand:

ifconfig wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 essid MYESSID key MYPASSWORD channel MYCHANNEL
dhclient/dhcpcd wlan0

If it works, then is something related to NetworkManager.

If it doesn't, I can't really thing of anything else at the moment.

Regards, and good luck.
Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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