Mike Edenfield wrote:
> On 1/17/2012 1:55 AM, Chris Walters wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a question about cross compiling in Gentoo - specifically cross
>> compiling for W32/W64.  I tried their preferred method and didn't like
>> it, so I
>> downloaded the appropriate Mingw64 build files, set up a cross compile
>> account,
>> with the appropriate paths, variables, etc.  Most packages compile
>> correctly
>> (though it sometimes takes some code hacking - and yes they do run in
>> Win 7),
>> but there are some I can't seem to get to build properly - usually the
>> ones
>> that have make files for MS Visual Studio.  I have no interest in
>> purchasing
>> Visual Studio.
> Just a point of interest: "Visual Studio" doesn't use Makefiles; Visual
> C++ can import Makefile projects if you ask it to, but it has its own
> project file format. If you're seeing actual make files (and not, say, a
> .sln file or .cproj file) then you don't need Studio, just an
> nmake-compatible version of make.
> If you do have project and solution files from Visual Studio, they are
> just MSBuild projects (think "ant for Windows"). I'm pretty sure there
> are open-source variants of MSBuild, possibly in the Mono project?
> And of course, Visual C++ Express is free, though you'd need to find
> somewhere to set it up.

You don't even need that much; you can just use the Windows SDK to get
the compilers. (I don't know if it comes with MSBuild, though) The
Windows SDK might work via WINE, dunno.


>> My question is, does anyone know of any good resources (mailing lists,
>> sites,
>> etc.) on cross compiling on a GNU/Linux platform for a W32/W64
>> platform?  The
>> searches I've run have directed me to sites that talk about using MSYS
>> and
>> Mingw on a W32 platform (I don't have all year to build a single
>> package).
>> I
>> am looking to build GraphicsMagick, and some helpful tools for W64
>> (though I'd
>> accept W32, if that's the only way).

"info gcc" tells me that the install of gcc on my Gentoo box supports
the mingw target. "eix mingw" shows me that there are ebuilds for the
import libraries, but they're hardmasked on my amd64 system for some reason.

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