On 15 January 2012 18:21, Michael Orlitzky <mich...@orlitzky.com> wrote:
> On 01/15/2012 05:24 PM, Hilco Wijbenga wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The dev-ruby/rubygems ebuild adds "-rauto_gem" to the global RUBYOPT.
>> This breaks my own scripts so I have removed it from /etc/env.d. So
>> far, so good.
>> I just tried upgrading dev-ruby/json and it failed because I did not
>> have RUBYOPT set. Obviously, the "fix" was easy but now I'm wondering
>> ... is this really the best approach?
>> It does not seem like a good idea that the rubygems ebuild sets
>> RUBYOPT and subsequent (Ruby Gems related) emerges break without it.
>> Would it not be simpler and more reliable if ebuilds that need it
>> simply execute "export RUBYOPT=..." prior to running? Why does it have
>> to be in the global environment, forcing it on every user?
>> If there is a requirement for this to be in the global environment,
>> what is the consequence of unsetting RUBYOPT in my own .bashrc (or
>> similar)? Is that "safe"? Or does that break something that I simply
>> haven't noticed yet?
> (1) I don't know much about ruby packaging
> (2) Keeping (1) in mind, I agree with you

Good. Thanks.

> (3) You're asking the wrong people
> Try asking on the -dev list, or filing a bug. They'll just close it if it's
> considered invalid.

Yeah, I went back and forth. I figured (hoped?) that gentoo-dev is
(more or less) a subset of gentoo-user so I should reach (most of) the
devs this way too. Maybe I'm naive. :-)

We have too many open bugs already so I'll wait until (hopefully) I
see a few more responses before I file a bug. That way there's less
chance of an invalid bug and I may save some valuable dev time.

> This bit me once long ago: ruby scripts running from cron don't have their
> RUBYOPT set, so scripts that normally work "magically" fail. Since I never
> set RUBYOPT myself, I didn't expect it to be set. Of course, I just forgot
> to require rubygems in my script.

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