On Friday 06 January 2012 17:18:51 Michael Orlitzky wrote:

> On the one hand, it's kind of fun and educational to have something
> break in a novel way so that you can figure out how to fix it.

Only snag, in my case, is that with passing years I'm beginning to find 
myself going round in circles, gnashing my teeth more loudly each time.

> On the other hand, those things only break when you have something
> important to do.

Now that's just paranoia! You only remember the breakages that coincide with 

> I try to keep my laptop in good shape, and then do the unspeakable to my
> desktop machine at home. If I ever need to do something urgently (fill
> out a spreadsheet to apply for a scholarship) and something is broken
> (libreoffice can't find libhahakissyournightgoodbye.so.1) I can always
> walk into the living room and do it on the laptop.

My unspeakable things aren't open to discussion in this forum :-)

But I do have an 8-year-old dual-Opteron box that I can do indescribable 
things to at whim. It still shows many a younger system a clean pair of 
heels but it is rather too noisy for everyday use, not to mention overnight.

Peter           Linux Counter 5290, 1994-04-23

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