Walter Dnes writes:

> On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 07:23:27PM +0100, Alex Schuster wrote

>> The problem is that in the libtool linking phase the arguments "/usr/bin
>> /usr/sbin /bin /sbin" are given along the libraries and library paths. I
>> have no idea why this happens, and how to solve this. Something must be
>> wrong on my system. But what? For libggi, emerging with USE=-aalib sort
>> of solved this. But I have no idea what to do about pygtksourceview. As
>> all gthe KDE stuff seems to depend on this, I cannot continue
>   I notice that you have 'MAKEOPTS="-j4"'.  You wouldn't believe how
> many problems you can solve by changing to 'MAKEOPTS="-j1"'.  Yes, the
> build process may take a bit longer, but the final executable runs just
> as fast.  Change to 'MAKEOPTS="-j1"' and see what happens.

Good idea, I also had some weird side effects from that in the past.
Although not that reproducible. I see this with libggi, libiodbc,
gtksourceview and gettext, at least.

I still get the same error. And the emerge -e also did not clean things up.

My next idea would be to compare the build logs on that and on my own
machine, maybe I spot a difference. Or to analyze the libtool script
deeper. Before I give up and install Ubuntu...


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