Dale wrote:

> Did you use a howto for Dracut?  If so, have a link you could post?  I
> tried making a init thingy and after about 20 failed reboots, I scraped
> the idea.  I was trying to follow the howto on the Gentoo wiki I think.
> The unofficial wiki.

I had some difficulties because the way I was doing things before with my 
homebrew solution was... non-standard.

The problem areas that I remember from the transition were: setting the USE 
flags correctly to build the modules I needed, initially confusing 
dracutmodules and add_dracutmodules in dracut.conf (actually you probably 
don't even need to edit that file at all), making sure to have a sane 
/etc/fstab line for the root file system and passing the right root= kernel 
command line. root=UUID=... works the best in my experience.

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