On Mon, 2011-11-28 at 18:15 +0200, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> Generally true, but not when something is obviously broken.  That
> means 
> not even its upstream dev bothered to test it.
> ~arch is for "we think this works, but please give it a go in case
> there 
> are problems".  It's *not* for "we have no idea if this works because
> we 
> didn't even try it once". 

You're experience is obviously different than mine.  I've been using
Gentoo for many years and sometimes things in unstable don't even
compile... and it's obvious that the Gentoo developers didn't even
attempt to compile it.  This is par for the course.

And you're talking about a feature that is already documented as
"probably won't work" and you're expecting them to test *that* given
that they don't even test things that are expected to work?!

Good luck with that.

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