On Friday 25 November 2011 14:53:17 Pandu Poluan wrote:
> I want to build a Gentoo server box whose structure is
> highly-partitioned, like this:
> /
> /boot
> /usr
> /tmp
> /usr/portage ==> via NFS
> /var
> /var/lib/postgresql
> /var/tmp
> /var/log
> /var/spool
> (Not all of them will reside on the same physical disk; I have
> /dev/sda up to /dev/sdd)
> I've been searching high and low for recommended numbers... and there
> are as many number as search-hits.
> So. Care to share your partitioning strategy?
> (And while we're at it, am I overdoing the partitioning?)
> Rgds

I never set /usr separated from / especially on a server : if there's a bug 
for any reason, nothing works ! (emerge is in /usr, gcc, ssh doesn't start).

But you are the one who decide !

This is my partition system :
/               ext3/4
/home   ext3/4
/var            reiserfs
/tmp            tmpfs
/tmp_portage tmpfs (specifically for emerge, so I can mount or unmount it when 
large compil start)
/mnt/portage reiserfs (shared via nfs)
/mnt/distfiles ext3/4 (shared via nfs)

I am available for any explanation. For the ones who read french I have 
written a doc on my website concerning my choices.
Stéphane Guedon
page web : http://www.22decembre.eu/
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