Dale wrote:
Neil Bothwick wrote:
You have space in the filesystem, but the volume containing that
filesystem is too large to move. You must first reduce the filesystem
size, with resize2fs or whatever suits your fs, then shrink the LV
with lvresize. That will free up enough extents to be able to fit
them all on one disk. Look at the output from lvs to see what is
taking up all the space.
So, me staring at it a while and trying to figure it out did work.
That is what I was thinking. Thing is, it looks to me like it would
just move the stuff over then I can reduce it by what sdb is making
for its share. Although, their way makes sense too.
I basically need to reduce the thing by 59604 PEs then it can move
them over to sdc so I can remove sdb. Looks like I am about to really
learn something here. It uses ext4 by the way. Looks like adding is
easier than removing, sort of.
Now to get my ducks in a row. o_O
:-) :-)
OK. Everyone duck, I been thinking on this and Neils info above. lol
This is what I sort of figured out and tell me where I am off here. I
have to reduce the file system, change the partition in cfdisk (?),
resize the lv, then reduce the vg, then I can run pvmove? After all
that, I can remove the drive sdb? Do I have the order correct too? If
it does involve all this, I'm not sure I want to do this. The file
system and cfdisk part makes me nervous. Maybe some of this isn't
needed and I am reading some of the info incorrectly, I hope.
:-) :-)
I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how
you interpreted my words!