On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 17:22,  <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 09:53:50PM -0600, Dale wrote
>> Question:  Is this going to be added to the shiney new Gentoo wiki at
>> some point?  The wiki needs some more content for sure.  ;-)
>> I didn't know if ya'll had thought of this before or not.
>  Actually, I was hoping to convince the devs to accept a patched ebuild
> that would accept busybox with the +mdev flag, in addition to the other
> options in RDEPEND.  If this gets accepted by the devs, it would imply
> changes in the Gentoo docs, plus an additional new profile, etc, etc.

True, it would be very preferred to have mdev as a new profile.

BUT ... If the procedure lacks something and/or causes a huge number
of bugs/annoyances, it will never be accepted as a profile.

So we'll have to start with what we have right now, and push it to as
many early adopters as possible. One way is to put this into wiki.g.o
as an article, and give people a linkback via this list and/or the

>  Right now, it has to be manually maintained, because it's off the
> beaten path, and beta-testing, etc.  I'm not looking to fork Gentoo.  I
> want this to become another optional profile, not a hack-job that has to
> be manually maintained by the user.

Eh? The changes are so minor it truly can't be considered a fork.

Hack-job, perhaps. Fork, no ;-)

>  IANACP (I Am Not A C Programmer).  I'm willing to help out in the
> documentation, or where ever else I can.

AFAICT, your procedure involves no C programming at all.

After reflecting on your procedure, I think the whole process can be
automated via scripts (bash and/or .ebuild).

Let's see if I can whup up such a script within this week...

FdS Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~

 • LOPSA Member #15248
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