Em Sex 18 Nov 2011 06:17:11 BRST, 俞强 escreveu:
thanks for you reply,

yes, i compile cups just by hand, and i compared with the files you send, though you cups version is 1.4.8, but i think the compare result is also value. most of files are the same as mine, but my libs are installed in /usr/lib64, not in /usr/lib. btw, my hadrware is ARMv7(omap3730).

i think the test-page in web is good that means cups is working well, and i can get the right output while using "lpstat -a", why application can't see print ? does there is something bettwen application and cups server ?

if you emerge cups with no optional packge, you can use print well in application ?

thanks again.

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Kfir Lavi <lavi.k...@gmail.com <mailto:lavi.k...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 8:41 AM, 俞强 <qiangl...@gmail.com
    <mailto:qiangl...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        i had installed CUPS-1.4.3 from source(configure, make, make

        now i can configure print via localhost:631, and the test page
        is perfect.

        but the problem is, why can't i see the print in programs ?
        (etc. in firefox, file->print, there is no print in print dialog)

        thanks all

-- Good Lucks !
        form 俞强(hackqiang)

    Did you install cups by hand, not using portage?
    I suspect looking at the ebuild, that Gentoo does install few bits
    in different places.
    I have attached my cups installation files. Please compare with
    $ equery files cups


Good Lucks !
form 俞强(hackqiang)

Yes you have cups working but maybe your system don't have entire support to cups.

Let me ask. Why in hell you don't use emerge to install cups? I think that you can do anything you want in Gentoo, but don't mean that anything you do in your system will work. Try let your system "stable" and consistent.

Do you activacted cups in your USE_FLAGS?



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