Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
is it an Asus board?
Because Asus went cheap on bios chips not too long ago. Now we have the fun of
Asus bioses getting confused because of stuff like turning off and similar
cruel treatment. The fuck up with your transformer might habe caused a short
spike, damaging the settings.
In my experience, Asus boards with a confused cheap bios can be brought back
with: resetting bios, turning off electricity several times and lots and lots
of reboots.
There is a reason, I throw that garbage out and got gigabyte.
About the 'suddenly ide' drive mess: did you turn back the settings?
And the symlinks: just WTF? Just install debianutils, do 'make modules_install
install' and /boot will always have the correct files, with nice symlinks
named vmlinuz and vmlinuz.old etc...
I have a Gigabyte mobo here too. They are highly rated you know. ^_^
I don't think much of a big spike could make it through all the surge
protection. I have one set at the wall, another built into the UPS and
there is a LOT in there, and some more in the power supply itself. If I
had a lightening strike that was pretty close by, yea I would think that
for sure. I have to also say I am about 10 miles as the crow flies from
the transformer. Going the path of the wires, lots further. That poor
surge would have a lot to pass by to get to little ole me. I might also
add, our local power company does have a good bit of protection along
the way. When the power is on, it is good power. When it is not good,
its going off. It stays pretty steady all things considered. No storms
around here either. Just cold. Brrrrrr.
I might also add, my old rig that plugs straight into the wall booted up
fine. It has no protection at all. No UPS just whatever it has in the
power supply itself. It did sort of gripe about being shutdown
improperly and did the usual file system checks but otherwise, it was fine.
I had to change the battery in the UPS a few years ago. That thing has
MOV's all over the place. The cord coming from the wall, the PCB, the
plug going out. I think even a close by lightening strike would frown
on that thing. Jeez, by weight the UPS is a set of batteries, a
transformer and MOV's. lol Some engineer must have got hit by
lightening when he was designing that thing. They put a lot in there.
UPS you ask, about a 8 year old CyberPower 1250AVR. Yea, Automatic
Voltage Regulation. lol I picked a good one even if it is old.
Going to go see my lady friend, all 90 lbs of her, will work on this
more later. ;-) Yea, I feed her good but she won't gain a bit. < sighs >
:-) :-)