Am 27.10.2011 19:30, schrieb Dale:
> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>> Am Donnerstag 27 Oktober 2011, 13:09:17 schrieb Nikos Chantziaras:
>>> On 10/27/2011 11:15 AM, Dale wrote:
>>>> Howdy,
>>>> I'm wanting to get a hard drive that is pretty good size. I'm looking
>>>> for about 1 to 2TBs or so. Thing is, a lot of them seem to be 5900 or
>>>> even 5400 rpm drives. I realize that the data on there is packed pretty
>>>> tight so I want to ask a few people that may have one or more of these
>>>> things a few questions. Are they as fast as a slower RPM drive?
>>> I assume you meant to say "as fast as a faster RPM drive".  No, of
>>> course not.  If we're speaking about the same capacity and amount of
>>> platters, of course.  If we're not, then yes, they can be as fast
>>> because of the higher data density.
> I just wonder how much data they will be able to pack into a 3.5" drive
> tho.  Hmmmmm.  Surely they will run out of room at some point.  I mean,
> the heads have got to have a little room to work with.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Well, then this story might cheer you up ;)

Florian Philipp

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