Hi guys,

I'm still struggling with this.  Gave up last weekend and haven't had
time until now.  Thought I had it going when I got a command prompt and
then, networking wasn't working.  Anyway, more details .....

On 10/10/11 16:43, David Abbott wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:31 PM, CJoeB <colleen.bea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 10/10/11 16:17, Michael Mol wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:06 PM, CJoeB <colleen.bea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Today, I went through the install process, had a couple of issues, but
>>>> was able to figure them out and got to the point where I was supposed to
>>>> boot into my new system.  I got the boot menu, the boot process seemed
>>>> to be okay, but when I got to the point where I assumed I should get a
>>>> command prompt to finish up, all I got was a weird screen that was half
>>>> black and half fuzzy with a bunch of colours (sorry, I can describe this
>>>> any better).  I tried recompiling the kernel thinking it was a problem
>>>> that I had created during the initial compilation, but that ended with
>>>> the same result.
> I would enable kms;
> http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Radeon#Kernel_Modesetting_.28KMS.29
> http://forums-web2.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-831521-start-0.html

I booted to the Gentoo install CD, went through all the steps to make
sure I hadn't missed anything.  I followed the directions on the above
link for my Radeon card.  When I existed the 'chroot'd' environment and
rebooted, the system seemed to hang - the last few lines that appear on
the screen are:

[drm] Loading CAICOS Microcode
Refined TSC clocksource calibration:  3392.289 MHz
Switching to clocksource tsc

I took someone else's advice who responded to my original post and got
the output from dmesg after the install CD booted.  Below is the entire
listing related to the video section:

vesafb: mode is 1024x768x16, linelength=2048, pages=9
vesafb:Truecolor:size=0;5:6:5, shift=0:11:5:0
vesafb:framebuffer at 0xd0000000, mapped to 0xffffc90010100000, using
3072k, total 16384k
console: switching to colour framebuffer device 128x48
fb0: VESA VGA framebuffer device

I really understand very little of what this is telling me except for
the screen resolution and I get that there are hex code references

in my grub.conf file the video line is as follows:

vga=-0X31B video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap

I read somewhere that for radeon card you use the above statement as
opposed to:


Documentation for my monitor states that the max resolution is
1920x1080@60 Hz

Can anyone help me out here?

Thanks in advance,



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