On 2011-10-04, walt <w41...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The answer is to let grub2 find the correct disk by checking the UUID
> of the *partition table* on each disk, and then load the boot sector
> from only that disk without even knowing the /dev/sd* name or the
> BIOS disk number.
> I'm assuming/hoping that the new EFI mechanism will make all of this
> garbage obsolete fairly soon.

If Microsoft gets their way, EFI will indeed make all of this
obsolete, since it will (for all practical purposes) prohibit booting
anything except pre-configured factory-certified installations of

> Anyone here understand the basics of EFI and how it might relate to
> these problems?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Didn't I buy a 1951
                                  at               Packard from you last March
                              gmail.com            in Cairo?

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