hi harry!

don't take my word for it, but i don't think there is an easy solution
to this :)

cmake creates makefiles which show the percentage completed in a build
step. maybe you can look into how it does that and apply that to the


>Harry <hputnam3 <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> How can one tell how far along a kernel compile is?  I can see the 
>> modules being built in /var/log/genkernel.log 
>>    (Aside: Please, no hysteria about using genkernel)
>> But I'd like to know of some way to guesstimate how much of the
>> process is completed.  Is there a list the compile has generated and
>> is following somewhere under /usr/src/linux? Or some other way of
>> knowing where the compile is in terms of percentage completed?
>Just reporting a further bit on this:
>You might think that tailing the log output and grepping for the
>module names in .config would be one way, and I suppose it is, but no
>directly because the compile does not appear to follow .config all the
>Seems to follow closely when there modules in a row, but then jumps to
>whole different sections... so still not very helpful

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