On Monday 26 Sep 2011 20:29:14 Jonas de Buhr wrote:
> >> between a fully-signed system (Windows 9 / OS XI or so) or a cracked
> >> boot, with little in the way of switching between the two, at least
> >> initially
> >> 
> >> I know which one I'd pick if it came down to it :)
> >
> >And you really need not worry about it, some geek (Torvalds?) will
> >surely find out a way.
> yes, there will most likely be a technical way to circumvent it. the
> problem is that involved companies might try (and likely succeed) to
> make that illegal.
> the reasoning will be this: it is assumed that you only make that
> modification to run pirated copies of commercial operating systems.
> that you will also need that mod to run free operating systems on it
> will just not count. at least not for commercially offering the mod.
> just look at decss. or playstation mod chips.

I am assuming that unlike the old days when I used to boot Linux on PCs using 
a floppy with SmartBootManager, now we'll need to generate some key/hash for 
our freshly compiled kernel, then add it to the BIOS firmware and flash the 
BIOS with it before we are able to boot into it?

Is it more complicated than that?

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