On 26 September 2011 15:12, Spidey / Claudio <spide...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Complementing James comment, when I messed with Gentoo on a notebook I
> also tried the confusing and troublesome way: configuring wi-fi to
> connect at boot time. It was REALLY a challenge, maintaining a
> realistic configuration file, which would let you boot with network up
> equally while home and while at work. At the end of the day, I just
> regressed to no boot configuration and went with wicd or
> NetworkManager.
> When I came back to configuring my desktop, it felt strange to run
> dhcp at boot time, I even tried migrating a wired box to
> NetworkManager, but ended with a static config nevertheless.

There's horses for courses I guess,  wicd et al works for most average needs.

On the other hand reading through the examples/comments for
/etc/conf.d/net and wpa_supplicant.conf takes the whole of 10-20
minutes.  Once you grasp the basics it does not present any difficulty
configuring it in the future, unless you have special bridging and
routing needs in which case it may take some extra time.

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