Am 22.09.2011 23:54, schrieb Mick:
> On Thursday 22 Sep 2011 09:15:42 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
>> On 09/22/2011 12:58 AM, Mick wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 21 Sep 2011 09:19:39 Sebastian Beßler wrote:
>>>>> Does mplayer2 work with smplayer or kmplayer?
>>>> I use mplayer2 with smplayer for a few month now and everything works
>>>> just fine for me.
>>> Any idea when ffmpeg-mt might make it to the main portage tree?
>> It's already in the tree.  Both ffmpeg as well as libav now have it.
> Sorry I can't see a USE flag or ffmpeg-mt package in portage:
> $ eix -l ffmpeg | grep mt
> $
> or are you saying that the code has been merged in the vanilla ffmpeg and 
> libav without the need for a USE flag?

The bug I linked to mentioned that it has been merged into ffmpeg and
libav. Both packages have USE="threads". If you use mplayer2, you also
see some output that mentions starting ffmpeg with x threads.

The bug also mentions that work on ffmpeg-mt continues so maybe you can
expect more merges or a new ebuild if the features are worth the effort.

Florian Philipp

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